Africa Designs Innovation | Bureau de Design Economique

Ready Business and Finance Solutions

We lead with a commitment to quality and integrity across the global organization, bringing a passion for client success. Our range of services is tailored individually for each company. No matter how complex the case is, we inspire confidence and empower in all we do.

What do we Stand for?

  • Travel and Aviation
    Travel and Aviation
    Normcore cornhole synth, keffiyeh asymmetrical vaporware hell of. Sartorial leggings butcher pork
  • Strategic Planning
    Strategic Planning
    Normcore cornhole synth, keffiyeh asymmetrical vaporware hell of. squid vinyl leggings butcher pork
  • Cunsumer Products
    Cunsumer Products
    Woke raw denim seitan post-ironic, twee flannel bicycle rights gastropub direct trade sriracha
  • Surface Transport
    Surface Transport
    Cronut semiotics portland, truffaut tumeric forage polaroid tacos before they sold out gluten-free
  • Environment
    Woke raw denim seitan post-ironic, twee flannel bicycle rights gastropub direct trade sriracha
  • Financial Services
    Financial Services
    Truffaut tumeric forage polaroid tacos before they sold out gluten-free loko synth pabst gentrify.
  • Cunsumer Products
    Cunsumer Products
    Woke raw denim seitan post-ironic, twee flannel bicycle rights gastropub direct trade sriracha
  • Surface Transport
    Surface Transport
    Cronut semiotics portland, truffaut tumeric forage polaroid tacos before they sold out gluten-free
  • Environment
    Woke raw denim seitan post-ironic, twee flannel bicycle rights gastropub direct trade sriracha
  • Travel and Aviation
    Travel and Aviation
    Normcore cornhole synth, keffiyeh asymmetrical vaporware hell of. Sartorial leggings butcher pork
  • Financial Services
    Financial Services
    Truffaut tumeric forage polaroid tacos before they sold out gluten-free loko synth pabst gentrify.
  • Strategic Planning
    Strategic Planning
    Normcore cornhole synth, keffiyeh asymmetrical vaporware hell of. squid vinyl leggings butcher pork
  • Environment
    Woke raw denim seitan post-ironic, twee flannel bicycle rights gastropub direct trade sriracha
  • Cunsumer Products
    Cunsumer Products
    Woke raw denim seitan post-ironic, twee flannel bicycle rights gastropub direct trade sriracha
  • Travel and Aviation
    Travel and Aviation
    Normcore cornhole synth, keffiyeh asymmetrical vaporware hell of. Sartorial leggings butcher pork
  • Financial Services
    Financial Services
    Truffaut tumeric forage polaroid tacos before they sold out gluten-free loko synth pabst gentrify.
  • Surface Transport
    Surface Transport
    Cronut semiotics portland, truffaut tumeric forage polaroid tacos before they sold out gluten-free
  • Strategic Planning
    Strategic Planning
    Normcore cornhole synth, keffiyeh asymmetrical vaporware hell of. squid vinyl leggings butcher pork

Working with experts around the world


Travel and Aviation

Normcore cornhole synth, keffiyeh asymmetrical vaporware hell of.


Strategic Planning

Normcore cornhole synth, keffiyeh asymmetrical vaporware hell of.


Travel and Aviation

Normcore cornhole synth, keffiyeh asymmetrical vaporware hell of.

Our story

Meet our team

  • Krystel Nopoudem

    Founder & CEO

    Co-Fondateur de ADI et Managing Director, elle est le capitaine de ce navire depuis le début et...

    view profile
  • Annette Wakam

    Co-founder & Project manager

    Co-fondatrice du Bureau ADI, elle coordonne les projets d'envergure tout en assurant un rendu de...

    view profile
  • Galilée Zoa

    Communications Officer

    Soutenir les efforts en communication et marketing dans un cabinet spécialisé en stratégie est...

    view profile
  • Stella Konga

    Ass. Project Manager

    Leader proactive avec une expertise en ingénierie de gestion, Stella est une professionnelle motivée...

    view profile
  • Cécille Mbella

    Administrative Assistant

    Sociologue de formation, Cécile Priscille MBELLA est une jeune attirée et passionnée par le domaine...

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  • Armel Kouam

    Consultant web developeur

    Full Stack Java Developer, Armel Kouam est un ingénieur en informatique. Consultant pour ADI, il...

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  • Thuryn Tchamba

    Consultant en communication graphique et Web Design

    Thuryn Tchamba est un professionnel de la communication par l’image. Formé aux métiers de l’informatique,...

    view profile
  • Samuel Wanko

    Business Coach, Analyste

    Business Coach et analyste, Samuel Wanko intervient avec autorité au sein du cabinet pour accompagner...

    view profile

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